Almost each of us know what exam mean? Those sleepless night revising each word thrice an hour . As a mentor I observe diverse behaviour in children during the period of exam. As you all now exam month have been started and it's already trigger on children brain . What kind of fear children go through Due to parents pressure Comparison with fellow friends Lack of studies and notes Mentally disturbance Pressure on brain Top score greed List interest in studies Fear of certain subject or teacher The most basic problem face by children is parental pressure continuous lecture on study may increase high risk of hatered toward study and some what birth of fear inside it's subconscious mind. Try to understand the behaviour of child . Try to make and feel comfortable to share his/ her problem with you. Make him feel comfortable even he score less or worst. Tell him importance of education in his life . Give him plenty of example to make him understand ,why we need to be literate. How ...